Listed among the top 20 countries in the Doing Business Report in 2019, Mauritius has a stable political and economical environment which favours business growth.
We act as facilitator for any regulatory or procedural process to get your key components ready. Get your documents in hand before tarting business in Mauritius.
The Government of Mauritius, through the Economic Development Board, introduced the Film Rebate Scheme which allows 40 per cent refund on all the Qualifying Production Expenditures (QPPE) incurred by a film producer in respect of his/her project in Mauritius. We assist producers in their journey in Mauritius.

MC African is a private company incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius and is a subsidiary of Hermes Capital. We offer business services including Advisory, Film Production and investment in Mauritius. Since 2018, we have been working with clients in Dubai and Mumbai and have a global team of 14 international professionals in various fields. With 20+ clients in Dubai, our goodwill in Dubai has been constantly growing since the past 5 years. From Human Resource Planning to Brand Development, we have helped our clients achieve consistent and sustainable growth rates. We also provide Advisory and Conciergerie Services for Businessman wishing to explore the Mauritian Business Environment along with Film Producers. We have been working with Film Producers for local shooting and helped them cover up to 40% of their qualifying production expenses in Mauritius.

C-Lounge, 6th Floor, Astor Court, Georges Guibert St,
Port-Louis, Republic of Mauritius
E-Mail: info@mcafrican.ltd
India: +91 730 404 5114 | Mauritius: +230 5742 5000